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This is NOT your regular Taxi - Ford Focus RS

A taxi driver in Norway has a less-than-conventional approach to his car of choice for work – A Ford Focus RS.

Okay, you're on a night out. You've probably had a little bit more to drink than you should have. There's someone over in the corner munching out on chicken nuggets while their friend is trying to work out where they are. It's probably time you order a taxi, right? Well, you might be in for a shock. A taxi driver in Norway has dropped the conventional Prius for a slightly more exciting choice - a Focus RS!

Evald Jåstad has already racked up an impressive 79,000 miles in the blue Ford with his regular customers affectionately naming it "Blue Lightning" due to the 345bhp 2.3-litre engine.

The first job of the day for cabbie, Evald, is a 16-kilometre round-trip from Odda through breathtaking Scandinavian scenery to take his son to nursery before locals and tourists call on him to take them across the Trolltunga cliffs, in style.

Evald said: “There are not many people who can say they live their dream. But I am definitely one of them.

"When I drive him to nursery, all the way there, Martin shouts out ‘Bånn gass! Bånn gass! – More gas! More gas!” Clearly it goes down well with the locals... You can watch more about the unconventional taxi choice here:

Certainly beats your normal black cab.

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